Senior Citizen Assessments

Senior Citizen Assessment

Hi there Senior Citizens!
You've been driving now for some time and hopefully accident free.
But how are you really doing?
Are you just about getting from A-B? Are you getting there with confidence and accuracy? Are you getting there fully aware of your surroundings, or are you just pointing the car in the direction you want to go and hoping no one gets in your way?
Are you actually medically fit to still be driving? when was the last time you had your eyesight checked?
Can you read a vehicles number plate from a distance of 20 metres?

Is it time you should be hanging up your car keys for good, or do you still have years left behind the wheel?

Obviously we understand for some, that a driving licence carries so much freedom and possibly the only form of transport for some, so to hang up the keys is the last thing you'll ever want to do.

However, we want to ensure that not only are you safe to still be on the road, but are you driving in a manner that is safe for every other road user?

Come out for a drive with us for a quick 1 hour spin and let us give you an honest feedback of where we feel your driving abilities are.

We have no intention of saying you're too old to drive, but we do want you and possibly your family members who may have concerns about your safety to know that you are still more than capable and safe to be on the roads with everyone else.

We may have some suggestions to give you to help assist you to keep you on the road. Whether it be some adaptions to the vehicle itself or whether we can suggest some technology on the vehicle that you may not be aware of that could assist you during your journeys to make things a little safer for you and everyone else that you are not aware it has, or are unfamiliar with its operation.

We love these session and always learn a thing or two ourselves as you always have some lovely stories to tell us.

If you feel you would benefit from one of these assessment sessions, please feel free to arrange an appointment with us, we look forward to hearing from you.