Understanding what Pedal does what.

How the Foot Controls work.

On all Manual cars working from right to left when looking at them are:-

Accelerator (furthest to the right)

Brake (centre)

Clutch (furthest left)

Commonly remembered as ABC

How the Foot Controls work.

In the rawest terminology, this is what each pedal does.

The Accelerator (can be referred to as Power / Gas).

When pressed down will increase the speed of the car whilst a gear is selected.

When the pedal is lifted the car will slow down gradually assuming no other pedals are used, or will slow to an extremely slow speed if in 1st gear. If the vehicle was in a higher gear than 1st it is likely that with no other pedals being pressed the engine would stall.

(Very much like a bicycle, when you pedal a bike it moves, when you stop pedaling the bike will eventually come to a stop).

The Brake slows down the car by applying pressure to the pedal, which in turn applies pressure to the brake pads located at all four wheels, the harder you press the brake pedal the quicker the car will stop.
The brake pedal is also used to activate the brake lights.

The Clutch is a mechanism which allows the rotation of the engine to be engaged or disengaged with the gearbox.

We will teach you to understand what pedal to use and when to use it, and by your own experience you will get to know very quickly how each pedal works and how much pressure you will need to gain the best benefit from them.

As with anything new, it takes time to master it.

Using the vehicles pedals is no different and with time you will find they are very easy to use and understand how each one interacts with the vehicle.

For a Manual geared vehicles you operate the Accelerator pedal and Brake pedal with your right foot, pivoting between the two pedals. In real terms you will either be accelerating or braking so you only will be using one of these pedals at a time.
The Clutch pedal is operated purely with the left foot only.
This will avoid you not having a foot to introduce the clutch pedal when coming to a stop.

Along with steering, the use of the pedals are the most fundamental parts of driving a vehicle, if you cannot use these correctly then everything else to do with driving is going to be much harder.
The steering and the 3 pedals literally control everything that happens to the car to give you complete and utter control of it, don't skimp on learning how to use each and every one of them to perfection to allow you maximum control of the car. Understand what they do, what effect they have on the car and you'll never have a problem controlling it in any given situation.

If you are taking lessons and are not fully comfortable with everything you are doing with them, or do not fully understand what effects they are having on the vehicle, then talk with your instructor and express your misunderstanding so that they can clarify, don't ever feel like you cannot ask to go over something again, even if it's the day of your driving test. 
We know you should know everything by then, but some people hide their understanding or misunderstanding of things very well, and we would much rather you ask us (even at the last second) than have you pass your driving test not feeling 100% happy that you are now prepared to go it alone.