

At this stage in the learning process you will already have dealt with Emerging and Approaching junctions.
Crossroads are dealt with in the exact same manner other than the fact there is an additional junction.
The only extra danger at Crossroads is to ensure that the extra junction has your awareness and is dealt with on a case by case manner.
Crossroads are usually self explanatory as to who has the priority, but it is not always the case.
Some Crossroads have no road markings whatsoever, and in these situations NEVER ASSUME PRIORITY!
You may think your direction of travel is heavy with traffic and could assume priority, but opposing direction traffic may be feeling the same as you.
Defensive driving in situations like this is the best course of action.
Will your actions affect another road user?
Will you put yourself in danger by proceeding?
Can you clearly see in all directions and have you assessed approach speeds of other vehicles?

Take all these questions into account before moving off.

Sometimes it's just easier to sit back and wait for all the exits to clear, and then move off without any additional pressure or confusion as to who's going next.

Who has priority?

There are two main methods when turning right at crossroads that you need to consider.

Different areas of the UK can tend to find drivers using either or both of these methods depending when you turn up at them.

Some drivers will feel more confident than others.

The safest way to "cross another vehicles path" is to cross so that you pass each other "Offside - Offside"  following the Blue line. This will mean that your line of site along the road will be much better to be able to see who is behind the car who's path you are crossing.

The other option is crossing "Nearside - Nearside" the Red dotted line. In certain areas this method is a preferred method but not necessarily as safe to do, as your line of sight is slightly more restricted.
If following the red line, ALWAYS ensure there is not a vehicle coming down the inside of the vehicle who's path you are crossing.
The vehicle who's path you are crossing may well have flashed you to continue but are totally unaware of the vehicle passing on their inside. 

On Crossroads that are clearly designated Crossroads the Priority direction of traffic will have the following sign in both directions on the approach to the junction.
If you are at opposing junctions the signs would be a Give Way sign.
This clearly will show who has the right of way and should be treated in that manner.