Bad Habit Rectification

We might spend too much time on our phone.

Eating too much food.

Don't do enough excercise

Well, we're all human and not perfect.

And although we may have some bad habits that we sometimes try to kick or create new years resolutions to kick them, we can always slip back to our bad habits again.

Unfortunately, when it comes to driving, bad habits can come along extremely quickly once that lovely little piece of paper is in our hands and there's not someone sat next to you nagging that you missed a directional signal, you didn't check your mirrors, you're slightly over the speed limit etc.

The longer you let these habits drag on for without rectification, the more they become a natural thing to do and the habits will end up being ten times harder to get out of.

Why did you spend hours and hours and lots of money on driving lessons?

It surely wasn't just to pass your driving test?

There must have been something in you when you first started to learn to drive that wanted you to be the best driver you could possibly be.

In 2022 there were 33 Million cars recorded as being on the UK roads.

Compared with just under 26 Million in 2002.

That's 7 Million more car in 20 years.

That mean 7 Million more cars to watch out for, 7 Million more to be considerate of, 7 Million more who might be exceeding the speed limit,
7 Million more that could be drink or drug driving, 7 Million more that could be distracted by using mobile phones or sat-nav's.

In the big picture of things 33 Million cars that are relying on you to do what you were taught to do when you were having driving lessons, and to a standard that allowed you to pass your driving test.

Why is it that because you now hold a full driving licence that you feel the rules no longer apply?
Signalling gets missed, speed limits get broken, drinking and drug driving takes place, being inconsiderate to other road users, playing music so loud residents in the next village can hear it, driving around in a manner that risks other road users lives, having road rage, cutting other cars up, parking illegally, and so many more things.

How have these things become acceptable just because you now have a full licence?  

You would never be in the position of holding a full licence had you done ANY of the things listed above during your driving test!

So our Bad Habit rectification session are all about resetting your standards. 
You may not have even realised those habits have set in, because you've been doing them for so long.

Let us take you out for an assessment drive, we'll assess exactly where we feel you are in your current ability and compliance with current rules, and based on our assessment we can work with you to help bring you up to date with rules and laws, and get you back to being a considerate conscientious driver again.

These session are no way intended to be intimidating, but all about getting safer drivers on our roads.
We will assist you in any way we can to ditch the bad and renew the good.