Rural Roads

Rural Roads

A subject that could be talked about for hours!
Some of the most dangerous roads in the UK when it comes to fatalities.

The biggest culprit is possibly inexperience!
Driving too fast, Driving past your abilities, Driving past your vehicles capabilities and Vehicles roadworthiness.
Are just some of the reasons for road traffic collisions on Rural roads.
However, even with the doom and gloom of the initial part of this session, Rural Roads can be the most pleasurable roads to drive.
Normally, they have less vehicles on them, some absolutely awesome views, and potentially a more relaxing form of driving.
But dangerous all the same!

Some of the dangers listed below.
Faster speeds can be permitted on them.
Tighter roads. (some small enough for just one vehicle).
A lot less road markings compared to Urban roads, yet lots of different ones that you wouldn't normally see on Urban roads.
Less kerbs or pavements making the edge of the road harder to distinguish.
Hidden junctions.
Horse riders.
Agricultural vehicles.
Animals / Wildlife.
As well as drivers who think they are Rally drivers or TT Racers!
This list is not exhaustive but all are factors that increase the danger on these types of road.

Our lessons will give you as much confidence in understanding the dangers of driving rural roads and understanding your own capabilities and the capabilities of your vehicle.
The best lesson subject or many when it comes to Rural roads, is understanding the


Watch the video below to gain an insight to what they are.

Selecting a good position on 
rural roads can help with your 
line of sight.