Pass Plus Course

What is Pass Plus?

Is offered to clients that have recently passed their driving test.
It is a way to build on your current driving skills and confidence and is certified at the end of the training.

No exam is required and the course is signed off by your instructor on the basis of successful completion of it.
The course is a Minimum of 6 hours at the price shown but should additional hours be required they are charged on a pro-rata basis.

PASS PLUS will include additional experience on:-
Rural Roads
Different Weather Conditions
Night Time Driving
On Dual Carriageways
In Town.

This initially may have you thinking that you've covered all of this during your standard driving lessons.

However, there are other ways to drive other than just to get you to a standard to pass your driving test.

Obviously Motorways are not assessed in the driving test and you may have only done a little Motorway driving as part of your lessons. So learners actually never get the opportunity to get on the Motorway during their lessons and it can be quite daunting  going on one for the very first time, and even more so at night.

Rural roads, and especially the single track, two directional ones carry the biggest amount of danger of any UK road. More fatalities happen on rural roads than any other UK road, so we want to help build your skills on these to ensure you are better prepared to deal with them than just the small amount of time you may have spent on them as a learner.
Did you learn to drive in the summer? 
Have you ever driven on wet roads, in fog, in windy conditions, in snow? 
if the opportunity to get you to deal with different weather conditions arises, then we would love for you to get to experience these as well. A car will react and perform differently in different weather conditions, so get to know how your driving style may need to change to deal with this and help prepare yourself better for future driving occasions.
A lot of learners never get to experience night time driving, are you prepared to deal with the additional hazards that arise when driving at night?
Dual carriageways along with Motorways carry a lot of additional speed to that of your general urban roads. Are you comfortable with higher speeds or would you like to build your confidence driving faster?
You may have driven through a town centre in the past, but was this at a time of day when that town centre was packed with pedestrians, buses and lots of other traffic?
We'll try and get you to experience Town centres at their busiest time or even small towns in rural areas where roads may be narrower and trickier to deal with.

Pass plus will also teach you some additional skill where your driving style could be adapted to give you a smoother drive, but are safe but would not be permitted to be shown during your driving test.

Our way of describing these adaptions are, as a learner we teach you to walk and that is what the driving test is about.
Proving that you have all the skills to be safe on the roads with other drivers.
Once you pass the driving test your own driving style will then grow.
You'll learn to Jog and given additional training you'll learn to Run.

We want to help build those skills, but show you the safest way to do it.

Let us help you build those skills safely!

Once you have met the required standard (approved by your instructor, the course will be certified by DVSA)

For more information please give us a call.