Having a balanced car gives you better overall control.

A Balanced car.

The only items that keep your car in contact with the road surface is your tyres.

When you brake, the balance of the car is affected.
When you accelerate, the balance of the car is affected.
When you corner, the balance of the car is affected.

If you are cornering and accelerating, the balance of the car is multiplied in its reduced contact with the road
and the same can be said when you are cornering and braking.

If you think about the actual size of your tyres, the only part on them that is in contact with the road is the very base of them.
In reality, for a standard type family car, that actual size is probably only the size of an adults hand per tyre. 

Only a very small section of your tyres are in contact with the road at any given time.
These are the only things that are keeping your car on the road.
Poor condition tyres, reduced tyre tread, weather conditions, road surface, speed, and balance of the car can all affect how long you remain in control of the car.

Weight distribution 

How oversteer & understeer can affect your car.

Both oversteer and understeer can have serious consequences on the public highway.
Both are avoidable, but drivers can be caught out by both if the do not appreciate what causes it.
Possibly one of the areas in driver training that is extremely hard to demonstrate or practice unless in a safe location, such as on a skid pan or private land.
It is not the sort of thing you can practice under normal circumstances.

Because this is an unknown for most drivers, it is very easy for them to be caught out when it happens, or it catches them out because they are driving either beyond their 
current abilities or the vehicles abilities.

Take a look at the following video to understand what happens to the car when either of these happen, and how to avoid it before it does happen.

Booking in a session
at a local skid pan
will allow you to experience
oversteer and understeer in 
a safe environment.